Navigation components index

Section menu on page having 2 columns

Type Navigation Component
Navigation pattern Vertical hierachical navigation within a section and horizontal navigation between pages of the same class
Inclusion Included on the web page by means of <!--#include virtual="....."--> syntax
Component structure
  • For the Public: <table class="sectionMenu borderBlue">
  • For the Intranet: <table class="sectionMenu borderRed">
Content formatting Unordered list using <ul>
Description and use
  • When present, the navigational menu in the rightmost column of the page (right menu) is used to expand the hierarchical navigation to the third (and possibly fourth) level.
  • It can be present in case when a section is split into further subsections (see example ) or to navigate between multiple destination pages (see example ).
  • It is used on Portal pages, as well as section's main pages and detail pages.
  • When the right menu is present on all the pages of the section it acts as horizontal navigation menu through the sub-section pages (see example ). Sometime it takes the shape of a pull-down menu (see example )
  • It has to be labeled using the "Title of the section", see as example ILS.
Position on the page
  • center column (example: "Document and proceedings" in the Governing Body section)
  • right column
Conventional File name used rightmenu.htm

Types of menu

Links only


Links with label


Links grouped by category and label



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