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ILO/SAMAT is the Southern Africa Multidisciplinary Advisory Team (MDT) of the International Labour Organization. It was established in 1994 under the ILO's Active Partnership Policy to address more effectively the needs of ILO Southern African constituents (namely governments and organizations of employers and workers) through an on-going process of dialogue and collaboration.

Sample of sub-chapter title, H3

The MDT provides technical support and advice to Governments and Employers' and Workers' Organizations in the sub-region. In this regard it works closely with the ILO Area Offices in Lusaka (Zambia) and Pretoria (South Africa). The services of the MDT include giving policy and technical advice, conducting training workshops and seminars, undertaking research, providing information, developing and executing technical cooperation projects and implementing plans of actions in support of the Country Objectives. At present SAMAT covers the following nine countries: Botswana, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland, Zambia and Zimbabwe.

Sample of chapter title, H2

SAMAT specialists are responsible for providing technical advisory services at the sectoral or programme level in their fields of specialisation. They also facilitate the exchange of experience among member States and assist constituents in the design and development of projects for external funding, provide technical advice in implementation and undertake evaluations of projects. Areas of specialization consist at present of the following:

Our work in the area of employment, sample text here sample text here social dialogue, sample text here sample text here social protection, sample text standards. Not to forget, cross-cutting issues.

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