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Areas of work

Introduction to the work of SRO Harare and its different areas.


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Many governments in the Southern African sub region are battling with socio-economic problems, but the most pressing of these problems is the high levels of unemployment, underemployment and the degeneration of formal employment opportunities. Some of the activities that SRO-Harare is currently fielding are ASIST or LMI or SYIB or SMEs. | Go to Employment >

Social protection

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The effects of economic globalization have accentuated the need for social dialogue. With tripartism being the foundation of social dialogue, it is thus a necessary part of the process of establishing and securing democracy, social justice and peace. It also fosters transparent governance under the rule of law. Social dialogue assists in strengthening relations and in reducing tensions among the parties concerned. It is also a means of dispute prevention and settlement that has a welcome impact on productivity, economic efficiency, and competitiveness. | Go to Social Dialogue >

Social Dialogue

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A major objective of the ILO is to enable countries to extend social protection to all groups in society and to improve working conditions and safety and health at work. | Go to Social Protection >


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Standard-setting is the oldest and most basic function of the ILO. Conventions and Recommendations are internationally recognized guidelines on labour and social issues. By ratifying a Convention, a member State makes a legal obligation to formally abide by the requirements of that Convention, thereby indicating its willingness to accept some measure of international supervision by the ILO. A Recommendation, on the other hand, does not require ratification, for it serves as a technical guideline in the formulation of policy, legislation, and practice. | Go to Standards >

Cross-cutting issues

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The ILO has identified gender as an issue to be addressed in all its programmes and activities in the World of Work. Therefore, the issue of gender equality is echoed in each of the four strategic objectives of the Decent Work, whose recurring theme is the promotion of equality. These objectives are intertwined and they all point at freedom, equity, security and dignity for humankind. | Go to Cross-cutting issues >

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