Discussion Paper Series
Addressing the Decent Work Deficit in African Agriculture
The Social Protection of Migrant Workers in South Africa
Sub-Regional Office for Southern Africa
- Gender Equality in Employment: The Illegal Framework in the Case of Zimbabwe - (doc 145 KB)
L. Madhuku, 200
- Coping with Extreme Poverty through Traditional Skills: The Case of the Xirundu Basket Makers of Mozambique - (doc 126 KB)
F. de Vletter, 2001
- Female Itinerant Maize Traders in Southern Mozambique: A Study of a Higher-End Informal Sector Activity and its Potential for Poverty Reduction - (doc 224 KB)
F. de Vletter, E. Polana, 2001
- Micro-finance in Mozambique: Are Donors Promoting Regional Feminisation of Poverty? - (doc 133 KB)
F. de Vletter, 2001
- Wages Through Booms and Recessions: A Case Study of Zimbabwe - (doc 716 KB)
M Ncube, 2001
- Strategies to Combat Youth Unemployment and Marginalisation in Anglophone Africa - (doc 401 KB)
G. Kanyenze, G.C.Z. Mhone, T. Sparreboom, 2000
- The Impact of Globalization on Local Communities: A Case Study of the Cut-Flower Industry in Zimbabwe - (word 312 KB)
R. Davies, 2000
- Enclavity and Constrained Labour Absorptive Capacity in Southern African Economies - (doc 369 KB)
G.C.Z. Mhone, 2000
- Social Security Schemes in Southern Africa: An Overview and Proposals for Future Development - (pdf 1003 KB)
E. Fultz, B.Pieris, 1999
- Improving Labour Market Information in Southern Africa - (doc 190 KB)
T. Sparreboom, 1999
- Agriculture, Employment and Poverty in Malawi - (doc 549 KB)
T. Mkandawire, 1999
- Occupational Health and Safety in Southern Africa: Trends and Policy Issues - (doc 239 KB)
R. Loewenson, 1999
- Employment Injury Schemes in Southern Africa: An Overview and Proposals for Future Directions - (doc 182 KB)
E. Fultz, B.Pieris, 1998
- Definitions and Legal Provision on Child Labour in Southern Africa - (Not available)
J. Kooijmans, 1998
- Industrial Relations in Southern Africa: The Challenge of Change - (doc 411 KB)
T. Fashoyin, 1998
- Labour Migration to South Africa in the 1990s - (doc 520 KB)
- The Social Protection of Migrant Workers in South Africa - (Not available)
E. Fultz, B. Pieris, 1997
- Shaping a Labour Market-Based Training Policy for Lesotho - (doc 142 KB)
T. Alfthan, T. Sparreboom, 1997
- Labour Standards in Export Processing Zones: A Southern African Perspective - (doc 413 KB)
J. Kooijmans, D. Tajgman, A. Parisotto, 1996