Employment promotion
Convention No. 122 sets out the goal of full, productive and freely chosen employment; other ILO instruments put forward strategies for attaining this aim. Employment services (public and private), the employment of disabled persons, small and medium enterprises and cooperatives all play a part in creating employment. ILO standards in these fields provide guidance on using these means effectively in order to create jobs.
Securing equal access to employment for disabled workers
In 2000, the Committee of Experts noted that substantial progress had been made in Latin America and Eastern Europe in enabling persons with disabilities to participate more fully in the labour market, particularly in light of the limited resources available. Through pooling of information and some resources, the Latin American Group for Professional Rehabilitation (GLARP) has helped numerous countries in the region to develop innovative programmes for rehabilitation and integration into the labour market. European Union assistance and sharing of information, too, has contributed substantially to improvements in several Eastern European countries. The Committee of Experts noted these intergovernmental cooperative efforts with interest and encouraged other member states to explore ways to share ideas and resources. Rehabilitation and employment of persons with disabilities are important challenges for all member states, and they all have much to learn from each other's experiences. [see related comment of the Committee of Experts]
Further information