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Site map

  1. Introduction to ILS
    1. The need for social justice
    2. The benefits of ILS
    3. Conventions and Recommendations
    4. How ILS are created
    5. How ILS are used
  2. Subjects covered by ILS
    1. Selected ILS by subject
      1. Freedom of association
      2. Collective bargaining
      3. Forced labour
      4. Child labour
      5. Equality of opportunity and treatment
      6. Tripartite consultation
      7. Labour administration
      8. Labour inspection
      9. Employment policy
      10. Employment promotion
      11. Vocational guidance and training
      12. Employment security
      13. Wages
      14. Working time
      15. Occupational safety and health
      16. Social security
      17. Maternity protection
      18. Social policy
      19. Migrant workers
      20. Seafarers
      21. Fishers
      22. Dockworkers
      23. Indigenous and tribal peoples
      24. Other specific categories of workers
    2. Full list of ILS by subject
    3. Ratification information
  3. Applying and promoting ILS
    1. Committee of Experts
    2. Conference Committee on the Application of Standards
    3. The impact of the regular supervisory system
    4. Representations
    5. Complaints
    6. Committee on Freedom of Association
    7. Applying conventions when countries have not ratified them
    8. Technical assistance and training
  4. Information resources
    1. Key ILO bodies and documents
    2. Publications
    3. Databases
  5. ILS related activities
    1. ILS related activities
    2. Standards policy

Last update: 29 February 2005^ top